I am a food person. I like to cook, and I love to eat. I have all sorts of favorite foods for different moods. I get strong cravings and usually seek to curb them. Some of my favorites: pizza, ice cream, Starbucks coffee (decaf), Coke (also caffeine-free), Doritoes (I share this craving with Saddam Hussein, I understand), fried chicken...you get the picture. Most of the time, my cravings are not healthy.
Since we've been married, Travis and I have been eating very healthy, probably the healthiest I've eaten in my life. And I'm happy with that...very happy, because my waistline reflects the change. But, in the last few weeks and for the next 2 until we leave, I am feasting. And it's fun.
Whenever I want to eat something unhealthy, Travis urges me to ignore the cravings. Most of the time, I listen. But yesterday I informed him that I will not be listening to his rantings for these next 2 weeks. I love food, unhealthy food, so I will eat what I want (and what we can afford, of course) for the next 2 weeks.
Today I am eating Raising Cane's Chicken Fingers, and unless you're from South LA, you will have no idea what these are. They're great.
I'm sure I'll have Mr. Gatti's pizza at least twice in the next 2 weeks.
I'll be sure to stop by Mary Lee doughnuts in BR on the way to NO this weekend.
And I might just have to have a shrimp poboy at a local NO shop. With fries, no doubt.
All this food talk sparked some creativity. I wrote a song...sing it to the tune of the "12 Days of Christmas." I call it "12 Days til East Timor."
Twelve Caffeine Free Cokes, Eleven Lemon Freezies, Ten Frappucinos, Nine chocolate bars, Eight french fries, Seven pints of ice cream, Six Doughnuts, Five....chicken....fingers, Four hamburgers, Three glasses of wine, Two cold beers, and a PIZZA for every day!
I love to eat!