Sanulu (Ten)
This is our bed today after Bekah, that hard, hard worker she is, unloaded all of the goodies we plan to bring. Well, this is not nearly all of it. But on this day, the ninth to last day here, we are done with buying things. One of the last things we have to do is pre-pack our stuff 1) to make sure we do not exceed the 80 lb. weight limit, 2) to make sure it all fits, and 3) because it's fun.The M Bag up there Bekah got from the post office. We can use it to send books to ourselves, we think, at a lower price and slower speed. The host gifts are those Louisiana cooking mitts, soccer balls and pumps. Bekah picked up some coloring books, crayons and stickers for the kids. We also bought, on a whim, a large US wall map for a conversation piece. 
Why didn't you label those blue boxes on the side. What are those? ;-)
I already told you about I knew I didn't need to label them.
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