Travelling Fools

While in Houston we were able to do some shopping. We visited REI again, which is the most super outdoors store. We got a knife sharpener, another flashlight/lantern, sunglasses and a sneaky money pouch for hiding valuable things around my waist under my pants. We had Thai food for lunch, which is nice b/c Lake Charles does not have any Thai restaurants. We also visited a store called Kohl's (we don't have one of those either) which is a department store basically and there I used a gift card I've had since November to buy an outfit for the swearing-in ceremony. It was only $8!
We also sold some of Travis' CDs for a whopping $60 credit at Wherehouse music and acquired the new Coldplay album, among others. And, coincidentally, Coldplay is coming on VH1 Storytellers right now so I am signing off to go watch. Bon soir.
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I couldn't reach your site at but it is at! It looks really great. I wish you two the best in the application process. Bekah.
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