And we're back...

So I guess we kinda got a taste of the quiet life. No TV, no cell phone, no Internet. We even used our headlights at night to help light our path and the Mexican Train dominoes that we were playing. Those lights are very helpful.
Best of all was the family time. Without all the distractions, you really get to spend quality time with family. We had so much fun goofing off, skiing, and playing games. I did have to say goodbye to some grandfather and step-grandmother, my brother and sister-in-law, and my dad. I'm lucky that my two sisters, my other brother, my mom and my niece will be coming down to Lake Charles to see us off when we leave.
Some things we know will be difficult when we get to East Timor. It will be hard not to have water at the ready. I wear a mouthguard at night, and have to soak it in warm water every day. I didn't wear it all at the Lake, b/c I would have had to heat water on the stove. I know I will have to keep up with that in East Timor, because I have to wear it and clean it everyday.
On our way home from OK, we stopped in Shreveport for a friend's wedding. We got to see a lot of people we went to college with, and that was great. Everyone seems to be doing well. It's so interesting to see what paths people's lives take.
We will continue to post in these last days.
Happy Father's Day to our dads!!
I thought you weren't going to be able to ski. Remember, "skiing I will not"! The only thing that kept me going was knowing that you weren't able to ski either. Now I'm really bummed.
Yeah, I was a big liar. Sorry that you're more bummed. I'm a horrible little sister.
Ah, that's alright. I figured you wouldn't be able to be there for a whole week and not ski. You would have really had to have "the force" to accomplish that.
just to clarify, i think you're the best little sis in the world.
There were never such devoted sisters!
Never had to have a chaperone, no sir. I'm here to keep my eye on her.
Caring, Sharing, every little thing that we are wearing (especially with all the bags of hand-me-ups I got). When a certain gentlemen arrives from Rome (Travis???) She wore the dress and I stayed home.
All kinds of weather, we stick together, the same in the rain or sun....whooo! Two different faces, but in tight places, we think and we act as one, uh-huh.
Travis's brothers ALL look big to me! Which one is the 'little' brother?
Uncle Dave
I think that perhaps there were once sisters just as devoted.
That's the brother that begins with "D", Uncle Dave.
Devoted sisters, maybe...but not devoted enough to "sing" about it on a weblog. :)
If "Anonymous" is who I think it is, I'm willing.
Those who've seen us know that not a thing can come between us.
Many men have tried to split us up but no one can.
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