What do DMB and PC have in common?

And I'm not sure if I'm ready for it, but is anyone ever ready to live a world away from their family? This Peace Corps dream of mine is finally becoming a reality. I'm going to dive in head first (but I think I'll hold my nose). It's pretty tough to think about missing all those family get togethers, birthdays, friends' weddings, graduations, new babies, etc. But it's gotta happen in order to fulfill this dream, so I will do it. I'm sure 2 years, 3 months will go by pretty fast, but when I get back, so much will have happened, and it's hard to accept that. But I must.
I'm glad I have Travis. I was planning to do the Peace Corps thing before we even got together. Now that I am with him, I cannot imagine doing it alone. He is my rock...and I know I will soak his shoulder in tears one week from tomorrow when we get on that plane.
And then, when we arrive in Los Angeles, we will meet all the other folks who are committing 2 years to this awesome mission. And they will all be feeling the same fear and excitement as we will surely be feeling that day. And it will be like I once studied at Centenary...
My senior project was about a theory called Empathic Solidarity, by David Heise. This theory basically states that when a group of people (and they could be total strangers) feel the same way about the same thing (the pivot), they form a bond. In my project I applied this theory to the fan club of the Dave Matthews Band. Dave Matthews Band fans would chat online about how they felt about the band and their music, and a friendship would be formed. This, in effect, would lead to a great trust between these fans leading them to open up their homes to each other, after only having chatted online! With the group of Peace Corps trainees gathering in LA next Thursday, I am willing to bet the theory will prove true once more. We all will be feeling very similar emotions about the same thing, the Peace Corps, and this will bring definitely bring us closer together. It's inevitable. We will make lifelong friendships because of this shared Peace Corps experience.
My thoughts are exhausted and my wine glass...empty.
Hey guys! Bekah, I think that your project is totally going to ring true for you next week. I am going to miss you sooooooo much while you are gone, but I only find it fair that the people that you are going to help be blessed with you and Travis. I know that you feel like you are going to miss a lot of what the people around you are going to be doing while you are gone, but just remeber that they are going to be doing it with you in mind! I love you and am going to miss you tons!
Right on, dude, right on...really glad we talked tonight!
Don't think about what you will be missing, but concentrate on the experiences you will have. There will be birthdays and family gatherings when you get back, but this is your chance to follow your dream. You will be missed, but you will be with us all in our hearts and you will be thought about and prayed for everyday.
thanks, Mom!
Only you would come up with an analogy between DMB adn PC. goof!
There is one event which I know we both hope you won't miss. but if you do, you will still be there with me.
Mom and Dad - isn't there room in the budget for travel expenses for my matron of honor? I'll give up the videographer and the party buses. None of it is as important as having my little sis there, except the actual marriage, of course.
And the Matron of Honor's husband?
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