The bags are packed. We fly from here at 7am. Tropical Storm Cindy missed us but our friends in the New Orleans area felt strong wind and rain.We are pooped. Especially me. For the last seven days, family and friends have come by or called to say bye and wish us luck. It hasn't gotten very emotional yet, just happy and excited. Bekah and I feel a bit overwhelmed, not quite sure what awaits us. But everyone has been giving us positive energy. They're excited and some even jealous.
Right now my whole family is here and Bekah's sans Dr. Dad, her brother and sister-in-law. While Bekah and I are loving it, I think it's been great for our families to be there for each other. A little emotional support group. 
Yesterday morning we (Travis's mom and dad and two brothers, me and Bekah's two sisters, one of her brothers and her niece, plus a lady that Travis worked with at the Red Cross) put them on the plane in Lake Charles. There were a few tears shed, but we are all so excited for them. We had a great week just getting to spend time with them in Lake Charles and much thanks to Travis's family for that. They should leave LA in a few hours for the 16 hour flight to Sydney, then Darwin, then Dili. So they are on their way and we wish them God bless and God speed.
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