I burned a few more cd's I wanted to bring with me today and glued Bekah's laptop back together (though we are not bringing it). Let me explain. The cd drive has always been flimsy but recently it started to break off. Today I unpacked one of our bags and found the epoxy glue. I read the directions like a good little boy and fixed the computer up real good. In the process I realized that the glue, which is in a syringe, needs replacement parts. So, it's a good thing I discovered this now or we would be finding ourselves with a worthless piece of garbage, instead of handy dandy glue.Bekah's sister treated her to a spa day where they both got pedicures. That's Bekah's prettied-up foot above (I love her foot, actually). Her sister also got a message and Bekah got her first facial ever - and loved it. She said it really relaxed her, which was exactly what she needed.
My cousin had a little birthday party today at his house and my family sans Bekah went. There we made plans to compete in a Putt-Putt tourney Tuesday night. The winner gets a free dinner or something else nice.
We will, of course, let you know how the party goes tomorrow. 
Just a correction:
My sister didn't treat me to the pampering by herself...my WHOLE family did!
Also, my sister got a massage, not a message!
Haha Travis. It was late when he wrote this one.
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