Well here's our first post from Hawaii. And posting is yours truly, Rebekah, who has spent the past 24 hours or so sleeping b/c I am SICK! Can you believe it!?! I came all the way to Hawaii only to get sick! Well, hopefully the sleeping and lots of fluids has helped and I will be better tomorrow. Timing is good because our tour guide Chris has been working and the next week he has off so we'll be busy and hopefully I'll be feeling well.
We did enjoy a restaurant called Duke's on our first night in. I bought some board shorts for body-boarding yesterday. It was pretty awesome. So basically it is like surfing but on a much smaller board and you don't stand up. Wow, when you catch your first wave it is a RUSH! I caught two good ones, not bad for my first time. Travis says he caught four or five. And I think in the next week we are headed to the north shore where the waves are better. Even if you're not catching waves though, just floating on the bodyboard in the water is so awesome. It's really beautiful here. After bodyboarding, Travis and I hung out on a local beach for a while, then took our time walking the two miles back to the apartment.
It's different here than I thought. I expected more flashiness...like the Florida beaches. But it's not like that at all. It's really laid back. But there is alot of traffic.
Well, some pics...