Malae, ba nebee?
Which means, "Foreigner, where you goin'?" And the answer usually is, "Ba ne ba," which means, "There." But today we can say, "Ba Same," because we are going there in just a bit. All of our stuff is waiting to be put on a PC SUV and four of us are heading south to different sights together. The others are going in other SUVs or rented mikrolets (yikes!). Mikrolets are little vans that have two benches on each side and can get very hot and very rami rami (crowded) very quickly. 
The swearing in went really well. We all decided to wear lipas or tais, which are traditional garb here. They're basically very pretty skirts. Yes, even the men wear them. I don't have a picture just yet of that, but will put it up as soon as I can. I CAN put a picture or two of Same to hold you over.
The first is our new house. Nice, huh? The family doesn't own that black SUV on the right, it's the company car. It is very pretty there. The other picture is our simple bedroom with a lot fewer bags than will be in there this afternoon. It'll be fun lugging all that stuff around again.
I'll sign off for now and say I hope I can write again in a month or so when we come back to Dili. With that, off we go! Ate logu!