Still in Dili

Oh, I want to clarify the pronunciation of Same, the name of the city we will li ve in. It's Sah' may, stress on the first syllable. The Sam- part rhymes with the rom in cd-rom. And the e sounds like the a in hay. I hope I didn't confuse you too much.
Some more East Timor photos. During the first week in country we stayed in a hotel on the beach and in the first picture below Bekah is weighing in for our PC Medical Officer. Some time that week we all walked up to the second highest statue of Jesus in the world, so we've been told. The second picture is what it looked like from the hotel. Get this: the Indonesians built it for the East Timorese while they occupied them to try to make them like the Indonesians more. The third picture is the two of us up at the statue. Soccer players were actually running up to the statue, resting and then running back to Dili while we were there huffing and puffing our way up. The fourth picture is what it looks like when we travel by anguna. Angunas are small truck-like vehicles that haul you arround for 50 cents. The last is a morning view from our room in Balibar. Timor Lorosae, one of the country's names, means Timor of the rising sun.