Meet the Parents

Our PC twins in Botswana were just sworn in, so they are now officially PC Volunteers. Check out their blog to see what we're going to have to go through. Scott, another PCV there, has it even harder, check out what he has to say. He has not posted too recently, probably because he is now at his site, in his village, far from computers. Our PC twins are still in a large city with computer access.
Yes, we have to be sworn in as volunteers. After the 3-day staging in L.A., all of the people going to East Timor fly together to Dili, the capital, via Australia. We all train for 8-12 weeks in language, culture and other things. During that time we have to prove ourselves capable. One volunteer said it's like a long job interview. We then have to prove that we have a good grasp of the language. The ones that are good enough get sworn in as volunteers. Typically, a few people do not make it to the swearing in. They either decide it's not for them or are not PC material.
In other news, we went shopping for a dress for the swearing in and other nice occasions - weddings, parties - but found none. We did find some underpants for me, though, made of polyester, which I hope will last longer through East Timorese hand-washings.
I'm so glad that T is keeping us informed about his underwear.
Haha, you're welcome, mom.
Notice I don't leave any underwear mother taught me well.
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