Wednesday, May 18, 2005

East Timor 5-0!

B-I'm sorry for anyone who is sad that we're leaving, but since I am extremely excited, I am glad to say that we have only 50 days until our departure for Los Angeles!!!! We got an email stating that we will be in LA from July 7-9 and then depart for East Timor. It's getting closer and closer...boy I can't wait.
Last night we discovered what I think is the best food in Lake Charles at a restaurant called Luna (Sorry Mr. Gatti's!!!) They have the Luna Tuna and it is the best stuff I have tasted! (Sorry to my sis who recently cooked some amazing tuna as well.) We got invited to a Centenary alumni dinner b/c 2 faculty members were in town for a high school awards banquet. Coincidentally one of the other alums there is nominated for PC Africa for September. It was really fun to talk about it and we exchanged contact info. We wish her luck!
Centenary has quite a number of students who have joined PC. Each year PC ranks the # of volunteers a college/university sends to PC based on the size of the school. I wouldn't be surprised if Centenary is soon in the ranks in the small school division. Go Gents!
In other good news, I acquired my immunization record from our old family doctor in Baton Rouge. Part of me was scared that they wouldn't have my record anymore (it's been a while since I've been there) and I would have to get all those shots again. Thanks Mom and Dad for keeping me up on my shots and thanks Dr. J for keeping my record!
And finally, to the anonymous yourself! We would like to know who you are...


Blogger Kat said...

My guess would be that Anonymous is your favorite aunt with whom you recently hiked to a waterfall.

8:09 PM  
Blogger Travis Leger said...

I don't think so...she has commented as "ldb" already...

8:43 PM  
Blogger Kat said...

Then why would she ask for a picture of you at a waterfall. Kind of a strange coincidence if it's not her.

12:14 PM  
Blogger Travis Leger said...

Or my little bro who was also there...or his gf...that's my guess...but I don't even have any pictures of the waterfall!

7:51 PM  

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