Friday, May 27, 2005

No hurricane wishes for LA

B-In my last post, I wished that Florida wouldn't have hurricane troubles this year. That does not mean I want the storms to come here! Nor do I want them to hit the Netherlands Antilles. It'd be great if there weren't any hurricanes at all this year.
We should have a few pictures up from our beach trip soon. The trip home seemed very long yesterday, but we made it. I finished reading The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom, and it was good. It's a quick read. Right now I am reading Mountains Beyond Mountains, which is a biography of Dr. Paul Farmer by Tracy Kidder. If you're interested in public health or infectious diseases, read this book. I have only started it and I am amazed. He's also a Pulitzer Prize-winning author, so it's obviously written well. It was recommended by my friend who is studying public health at Tulane. Thanks!
So today we begin the big move back into the parent's house. It seems like only yesterday we moved into our apartment, and now we're moving out. It was a great first apartment. Here's to living with a family for at least the next year or so!
I purchased two linen shirts for the trip. I really feel like I am packing light, but I know it can be lighter. My sister should be excited...more clothes are coming her way. The last thing I want to do is make a first impression on our Timorese family as a spoiled rich American, so I need to cut back even more. I'm working on it...


Blogger Elizabeth said...

We've both read The Five People You Meet in Heaven, and my husband has read Mountains Beyond Mountains. Great books! I'm inspired by Paul Farmer, through what I've heard about him through Paul. Amazing wake-up call to all of us who have such a cushy life here. It takes sacrifice to help make the world a better place.....

12:04 AM  

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