Amerika fali
We made it to New Orleans. But when you're on your fourth flight, and the third one was 12+ hours over the Pacific, and you've slept only 2 hours in the last 48, you're not sure you are gonna make it or even what your name is anymore. The good news is that the Qantas plane across the big pond in the west had a tv screen for each seat and you could choose which movie or show or cd or game you wanted to watch, hear or play whenever you wanted. And that helped time pass a little easier. A little.
No pictures yet but being that I'm sure only Americans read this, you don't need any pictures of America. But then maybe you haven't seen all that we can see here in New Orleans. Half the restaurants are closed. The ones that are open have abbreviated menus. And Burger King's sign out front says they'll pay $10 an hour! The problem is so many people left and haven't come back. But the people who are still here are strong. I saw on the news tonight that a restaturant just had its opening night - and the cameras were there to get all the people there. There's another story about a restaurant owner now living in my home town of Lake Charles opening up a pub and a cultural center. And we heard a while back that another owner opened a restaurant in Bek's mom's home town in Arkansas.
I can't believe the computer's clock is telling me it's 3:30 AM, but I'm still on Timor time and can't sleep. I've been working on a slide show for the fam using Windows Movie Maker. Timorese music and all. But I'm putting so much work into it that I'm not even halfway done. But it's fun. It'll be neat to watch in the future, too.
So, next entry should have brand new pictures from a brand new camera (hey, why not). We went to Wal-Mart today but they were all out of the one we wanted. That's the hurricane's fault, too, actually. Shipments are slow to come in.
Ate amanya, eh?
HI GUYS! I will have to go back to your journal when I'm at a computer with a decent monitor - this one is so blurry I can't read a thing! But I've been checking in every now and again to see if you've updated your journal and I'm glad to see I have more to read. When do you return to TL? I'll have to drop you an email. Or, I'd love to talk to you if you're still Stateside! Miss you and think of you - Lillias
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